Friday, 5 December 2014

MEETING DETAILS: Independent Inquiry into child sexual abuse

Survivors and group reps listening meeting - Friday 5th December: 11-2pm

On behalf of Sharon, Graham, Angela and Ben, I would like to thank you sincerely for your time and contributions at today's meeting.

We hope the discussions today helped to allay any concerns you may have had before the meeting. It was a powerful and positive meeting. We also hope it has served to assure you of our commitment to the Inquiry and the very necessary work it is designed to deliver.

I will be writing up the notes from today and all your suggestions. The Panel will work to get as many as we can actioned as soon as we can.

We are next meeting survivors and survivor representatives in Manchester next Friday 12th December and will continue listening and building the infrastructure needed to deliver the work.

Unless you disagree (in which case please let me know directly) I will add your details to our network contacts and will keep you appraised of progress and through our website. Please provide us with your feedback, it means a lot. 

Thank you so very much also for agreeing to be a champion for the work of the Inquiry. I hope, through positive and open dialogue and pooling all our efforts, we can work and learn together in delivering the aims of the Inquiry.

I hope you all got home safely and wish you a restful weekend.

Engagement and Stakeholder Strategy
Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Posted by Team Inspire on behalf of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse


At 6 December 2014 at 13:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello to all,

I was at the meeting in Bristol, and found it to be very positive and poignant, especially because certain viewpoints which could only be considered in such a setting were discussed; and coming from very significant individuals, in my view.

The evidence that the Inquiry is truly independent is very heartening, and I can believe that the work which lies ahead can very much bring trust and confidence to anyone depending on the work of the Panel; whom I have to say look to be precisely the kind of people needed for such an inquiry.

At 10 December 2014 at 14:11 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for your positive comment and I am very glad you found the CSA meeting in Bristol to be a positive experience. It is also good to hear a positive comment about the Panel and its work. The Team here at Inspire feel voices and engagement are the way forward to ensure a positive way forward and results. Best wishes, Team Inspire ;0)


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