CSA Inquiry Meeting Manchester - Can you attend? READ HERE:
If you can attend Fridays CSA Inquiry listening meeting in Manchester please email:
There are 4 places left.
Dear Colleague
I am writing from the Secretariat for the Independent Child Sexual Abuse Inquiry. I have recently sent out an the following invitation and I would be really grateful if you could cascade this message.
I would like to invite you to participate in some initial discussions on the work of the Inquiry. Travel expenses will be reimbursed, so please do retain tickets.
The Secretariat and members of the Panel are undertaking a further meeting with representatives of victims and survivors groups this month. They are part of a series of regionally based Listening meetings being held across the country with Panel members this month and will recommence in the New Year.
The next CSA Inquiry regional listening meeting will be held on:
Friday 12th December 11.00-14.00 in central Manchester (we will confirm the venue with you as part of your joining instructions)
The purpose of these meetings is:
· To provide information on the panel, its members and terms of reference
· To canvass views on how attendees, particularly survivors and victims group representatives would like the panel to engage with them and
· What you would like the panel to include in their considerations.
The findings will be collated as part of the Inquiry Panels engagement programme and fed back to the full panel.
I would really welcome your input on Friday in Manchester.
Please do not worry if you are unable to attend in Manchester there will be details of other meetings taking place in the New Year here and on our website next week.
You can contact me on:
You can also let us have your views via our website – we would welcome your input at any time: https://childsexualabuseinquiry.independent.gov.uk/
If there any individuals or groups that you feel we could invite to either these or future meetings, please do feel free to drop us a line. I will be calling you shortly to talk through any further details you need for this meeting.
In the meantime, we look forward to hearing from you.
Issued by the Secretariat of the CSAinquiry
Guest posted by Team Inspire with full permission of the Secretariat of the CSAinquiry
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