Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Meeting with Justice Goddard

Yesterday, 10th February 2015, Elaine Hook and Jenny Tomlin, Founders and Directors of Buckinghamshire charity, Inspire You Me & Us CIC attended a meeting at the Home Office, London to meet with Justice Goddard, new chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

With over twenty representative groups in attendance and several individuals, the meeting room was buzzing with energy, suggestions and information sharing. Every attendee was given the opportunity to share their individual and organizational reasons for supporting this inquiry and what each one of those attending wished for victims, survivors and the results of the inquiry as a whole.

It was an extremely positive meeting with all voices heard and listened to. All opinions were respected and noted by Justice Goddard and her Home Office team of administrative supporters as well as all those representatives groups and individuals in attendance. The general consensus was that all in attendance agreed that this inquiry must get started, hear survivors, believe, eventually obtain evidence, justice and convictions where appropriate. Disclosures must be handed to the relevant authorities.

Justice Goddard was gracious and humble and assured all attendees of her long lasting and enduring commitment to the job in hand. Justice Goddard and her whole support team thanked all those in attendance (together with those not present) for their hard work, stead fastness, determination and commitment to getting to where we are today.

This whole process has been, and will continue, to be a huge learning curve for everyone concerned; patience is called for as the CSAinquiry Chair and Team now get going.

All in all extremely positive for all concerned.

Lets ensure its onward and upward from now on.

Best wishes

Elaine Hook
Team Inspire


At 11 February 2015 at 19:34 , Blogger Colin J Smart said...

is it possible to know who else attended, how individuals came to be invited Transparency and all that and were you all invited to meet the Home Affairs Committee this morning?

Colin Smart also

At 12 February 2015 at 14:58 , Blogger Unknown said...

I do not know the exact selection process by HO but I do know all those that attended, both victim and survivor organisations and individual survivors are those that have attended every meeting, written to HO, Secretariat and Panel and have shouted loudly in the name of trying to get this Inquiry right. As a charity working with victims and survivors of CSA and DV we wrote and asked to be included from day one in order to speak up for our clients and to try to ensure of evidence, arrests and justice in all areas of the establishment, private organisations, social care, NHS, Prisons, Police, Charities, Children's Homes, Ofsted etc. Please encourage others to come forward to assist. We have not been there to give evidence or disclosures although as Directors we are both survivors of familial abuse and domestic violence. Yes, all those who attended were invited to the HASC meeting with Keith Vaz the following day; we chose not to attend that meeting. If anyone wishes to help and support at this stage they must be prepared to offer professional advice and support in the form of what is required to get this Inquiry up and running in the best possible way to assist all victims, survivors and make this a valuable Inquiry. We will only get one chance at this. Make it happen. I cannot advise exactly who was there but as I said in the post it was a mixture of small to medium charities, orgs and individuals who all wished to offer professional advice to Justice Goddard et al to ensure that they get the WHOLE picture not just a small bit of it. Hope that helps and thanks for taking the time to read the post and ask your questions. ;0))


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